Guaranteed investigations
Cover partner default risk thanks to a “single line” trade credit insurance
- Secure your turnover or your advance payment and protect yourself from the business partner default risk without any limitation on amounts
- Compensate for refusals from trade credit insurers or when market capacities are insufficient
- Cover an ad hoc requirement to secure outstanding amounts.

URIOS guaranteed investigations: an alternative to the “single risk” trade credit insurance
As a result of the economic crisis, we are witnessing a decline in the capacities of trade credit insurers. This decline is due to a preventive attitude on their part, but also to the lack of visibility they suffer from.
Today, URIOS, through an in-depth Solvency Study, can assess the sustainability and solvency of a company in a reliable and relevant manner, in real time.
Based on this study, URIOS, with its partner AIG, can issue a financial guarantee of the outstanding customer amount in order to secure the customer risk on a one-off basis or to complete a lack of coverage.
The Guaranteed Studies allow you to develop your activity without financial risk, in France and abroad. It is a “single line” trade credit insurance to cover the risk related to one or a few strategic customers.
- If you have a trade credit insurer: the guaranteed study can intervene beyond the coverage threshold, for a period of 3 months or more.
- If you do not have a trade credit insurer: the guaranteed study is a way to intervene in a targeted way on one or several of your most strategic customers.
Within the framework of this partnership with AIG, we carry out the collection in the event of unpaid invoices and compensate your company in the event of your customer’s default.
Discover the Reverse Guarantee: with the Reverse Guarantee, you have the possibility to regain the confidence of your partners by offering them a credit insurance on your company for their benefit without them having to bear the cost. This will allow you to negotiate more advantageous payment terms and to recover financial leeway. The amount of outstanding amount granted can be spread over several suppliers.
How does “single risk” trade credit insurance work?
Key points of “single risk” trade credit insurance
- Conducting a credit investigation, recommendation of a maximum outstanding amount
- Intelligence on outstanding amounts is guaranteed
- Collection and indemnification in the event of a unpaid invoice(s).
Use cases for “single line” trade credit insurance
- New clients or partners
- Sudden and unusual delays in payment
- Reduced or insufficient cover from trade credit insurers.
The different durations of “single risk” trade credit insurance
- From several months guaranteed investigations to secure an outstanding amount – occasionally
- Up to 12 months guaranteed investigations to secure an outstanding amount on an ongoing basis.
URIOS, a leader in guaranteed investigations

Every year, over €230M of outstanding amounts under guaranteed investigations

Response given within 10 working days

Business perimeter in France and internationally
Trade Finance to finance your supplier debt
Thanks to URIOS and its privileged partners, you can benefit from an efficient financing tool available to SMEs to secure your supply chain and finance your working capital.